
Social Groups

Social Groups services offered in
Palatine, IL and Kensington,MD

Social Groups Services

Being in social situations can help children, particularly those with autism, develop the skills necessary to thrive in their environment. At Express Yourself Pediatric Therapy, with locations in Palatine and Chicago, Illinois and Kensington, Maryland, trained therapists support the developmentof social skills through hightly motivating and meaningful experiences with peers. Schedule an evaluation by phone or request one online today to take advantage of these highly beneficial groups. 

What are social groups?

Social groups, also called social skills groups, at Express Yourself Pediatric Therapy offer opportunities for kids and teenagers to interact with other people and use skills they’ve learned in therapy in real-life social environments. 

The compassionate Express Yourself Pediatric Therapy team encourages participants of social groups to have fun together while working on their social and language goals. These groups are matched by participants’ goals, interests, and ages.

Not every Express Yourself Pediatric Therapy social group is the same. Each is carefully chosen based on the specific needs of the participants. 

How large are social groups?

The Express Yourself Pediatric Therapy social groups typically range in size from 2-5 participants. The facilitated play sessions are also excellent environments for school peers, siblings, and other friends. You and your child can invite anyone who wants to play.

Which types of social groups are available?

A variety of social groups exist at Express Yourself Pediatric Therapy. Examples include:

  • Themed social Saturdays
  • Tot groups
  • Executive function groups
  • Preschool readiness groups
  • Foodies (picky eaters groups)
  • Bike riding groups
  • Ninja strength and coordination groups
  • Music therapy groups

Your child’s therapist helps you and your child find a group that piques their interest and is the most appropriate based on their speech, language, and social skills. 

What are the benefits of social groups?

The advantages of participating in social groups at Express Yourself Pediatric Therapy include:

  • Enhanced social skills
  • Improved speech, language, and communication skills
  • Enjoyment from participating in fun activities
  • Stronger social and emotional development
  • Improved readiness for preschool, school, or a job
  • Improved self confidence and self esteem

Kids of all ages, teenagers, and even young adults can enjoy and reap the many benefits of social skills groups.

What should I expect during social group?

Social groups at Express Yourself Pediatric Therapy offer a chance to play, participate in fun activities, and socialize. A highly trained therapist leads the group and fosters appropriate and enjoyable interactions, games, and development of individualized goals. The groups provide a chance for children and adolescents to practice what they’ve learned in individual therapy settings.

Schedule an appointment at Express Yourself Pediatric Therapy by phone or request one online today to find social groups that strengthen your child’s development.